
Hello! I am Jeff Parker. Welcome to my blog.

This blog is compilation of subjects that I find interesting. Most of the articles will be about data science but expect to see a few articles about politices, parenting, design, economics, sports, religion and recipes. Friends, family and colleagues are invited to guest author. My hope is that my content will be entertaining, useful and inspiring. Contact me if you wish to republish.

Currently, I am a data scientist at Qualtrics - a survey software company. I assist clients with advance survey methodologies that often include data science methods like conjoint or MaxDiff. You can find my digital resume here or my paper copy here.

Short background on me personally: I am married with one baby boy on the way. I favor the Chicago school of economics and lean libertarian. I love American and Mexican food, fixing up furniture and houses and snowboarding in all conditions. I try to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the “Mormons”).

This website was built using Bootstrap 4 and Jekyll. It is kindly hosted by Github Pages. The design is based on an open sourced template from Start Bootstrap. All code is free for the taking and in a public Github repository.

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